Saturday, March 29, 2008


Framing on classroom side of Milestone Achievement Center. All steel stud 20 gauge.

Milestone is a private school for seriously emotionally and mentally challenged children. Any child the local public schools can't handle will be sent here. We have been doing work for the them for a couple of years now. It seems that the need for this type of physicality is growing because they bought the building a few months ago. We are working with Wiligrod and MacAvoy architects. We gutted the whole second floor except for the drop ceiling and lighting. This makes it a little more challenging for us but saves the customer a ton of money.

According to code if you are remodeling more than 50% of the space you are required to install all new t8 florescent fixtures. After doing some calculations I figured the cost of the old lights and then removal the old t12 lights would be around $5,000.00. This does not take into account land fill, wasted resources and the environmental impact.

New t8 would cost about $10,000.00 This includes all new wiring. So to save 2 KWH per light fixture at .10 a KWH would save about $350.00 a year in electricity.
SO you spend about $16,000.00 to save $350.00 a year. I'm all for going green but only when you look at the total picture.
This is a picture of the administration side.

Andrew the electrician doing his thing. Andrew works for Mark Freese Electrician Inc. These guys are great guys to work with.
This is Max one of my employees. He is very interested in making construction a career. I am sure one day he will have his own company. He is a real take charge kind of guy. Tries to boss me around sometimes.
This is Kevin, another employee. He is one of the best workers that has ever worked for me. Nothing is a problem with Kevin. He is a real pleasure. He is also learning the trade. Kevin is a plumber by trade but right now he is trying something new. We are glad he is.

1 comment:

SES said...

lookin good my man! this project reminds me of Hacc 4th...