Monday, May 12, 2008

Foundation and decking

The foundation ins in, the basement walls poured and the main house decking down. YES!!!
As you can see we have had quiet a bit of rain. The foundation is perfectly level because the rain rolled off on all sides equally. The puddles are because we have not put in the posts under the middle bearing beam yet.
Tuesday will be a big day. We are ready to start building the wall. Then next Monday the trusses come.
I spent a lot of time Sunday spraying poison ivy. The lot was neglected and consequently the poison ivy took over. A few sprays of Round Up and it should disappear.

1 comment:

SES said...

Awesome- way to go Dad! Moving right along. What's amazing is that you're doing a huge job for work, and this is your project on the side. Praying for ya!